Brainsprouts Memory Training Helps Students Remember Names, Scripts and Recall Faster

Denver, CO  –  Brainsprouts Memory Training, a leading provider of memory training courses, is now offering the Brainsprouts Memory System Training in person and on Zoom to anyone interested in increasing their focus, recall, concentration, and speed in thinking. This allows students from all over the world to participate in the program regardless of their location.

Additionally, new courses are being offered every two months on Remembering Names and in New York City in September on Helping Actors with remembering their lines and scripts. 

Research has shown that memory training practiced for just 5 to 15 minutes a day can increase neurogenesis, increase brain health, and longevity. It can help in recovering from brain injury and offset future diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia. 

Brainsprouts Memory Training has been in existence since 1983, teaching students, CEOs, banks, and companies to increase achievements of sales and goals, and sharpen abilities and results in all areas, both personally and professionally.

The virtual classes offered by Brainsprouts Memory Training are the same as the in-person classes. Students will learn the same techniques and strategies for improving their memory. The classes are also interactive, so students will have the opportunity to practice what they learn and get feedback from the instructor.

“We are excited to offer our classes virtually,” said Mizel. “This allows us to reach more students and help them improve their memory regardless of their location.”

The virtual classes offered by Brainsprouts Memory Training are available for a variety of topics, including:

  • Remembering names with ease
  • Improving focus and concentration
  • Speak more clearly and organized
  • Retain information for longer periods
  • Make room for new information to be stored

To learn more about Brainsprouts Memory Training or to register for a class, please visit 

About Vicki Mizel: Vicki Mizel was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was trained as an educator, psychologist, actor, and public speaker. Her undergraduate degree was from the University of Oregon in Eugene, and her master’s in psychology was completed in 2000 at Antioch University in Marina Del Rey, CA.

She has been teaching her Brain Sprouts Memory System since 1983. The memory method is known, with time and practice, to increase neuroconnectivity and neural regeneration in the brain and enhance brain activity and healing. 

Throughout her career, she has worked with school children, university students, CEOs of companies, and actors, as well as brain injured, dementia, and Alzheimer’s patients. She has been an educator, artist, actress, speaker, and now a writer over the span of forty years. 

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