Expose of “The Howard Hughes Hoax” to Be Turned Into a Documentary Film

Charles R. Clotfelter

Charles R. Clotfelter is seeking producers to turn his expose The Howard Hughes Hoax: Con Men, Corruption and the Fake Burial of a Billionaire, into a documentary film.

Henderson, NV – Charles R. Clotfelter reveals the elaborate and illegal con on the life of Howard Hughes in his expose, “The Howard Hughes Hoax, Con Men, Corruption and the Fake Burial of a Billionaire.” Clotfelter is currently seeking producers and directors to turn this published book into a documentary film.

“The Howard Hughes Hoax” describes the elaborate con that was perpetrated by those in the Howard Hughes Industries inner circle of trusted associates; a cover-up that Hughes died in 1965, eleven years before his alleged death in 1976. “The Howard Hughes Hoax” reveals how the inner circle used lies, deceit, intrigue, conspiracy, and false propaganda to defraud the Howard Hughes companies of millions of dollars and sully the name of an honorable man. 

Clotfelter was 24 years old when he had a personal conversation with Howard Hughes in 1964. Hughes told Clotfelter, “because of a collapsing vertebra, the top part of my body is now crushing my internal organs, and eventually, they will cease to function. The doctors have only given me 8 months to live.” Yet, the official date for Hughes’ death wasn’t until 1976, 11 years later.  

Charles R. Clotfelter reveals the elaborate and illegal con on the life of Howard Hughes in his expose, “The Howard Hughes Hoax, Con Men, Corruption and the Fake Burial of a Billionaire.”

Charles Clotfelter has spent years collecting documentation that supports his premise that:

· Howard Hughes died in 1965, not 1976. 

· Senior executives at Howard Hughes Industries hired an imposter to pose as Howard Hughes, and it’s the imposter who became a drug addict and died in 1976.

· Senior executives bilked Howard Hughes Industries out of millions of dollars. 

· Documents were falsified between 1965 and 1976 to support the ruse. 

“I wrote the “Howard Hughes Hoax” because I want to repay Hughes’s kindness to me, says Clotfelter. “He picked me up while I was hitchhiking in Mexico, desperately trying to get home. We spent two days together, during which Hughes shared information on his declining health and imminent death.”

“The Howard Hughes Hoax: Con Men, Corruption and the Fake Burial of a Billionaire,” by Charles R. Clotfelter is available wherever books are sold, and Clotfelter is hopeful that the book will be turned into a filmed documentary. 

About Charles R. Clotfelter: Charles Clotfelter was born into a military family and traveled throughout his younger years. Wanderlust became a way of life for Charles. Charles met Howard Hughes while hitchhiking in Mexico and the seeds were planted for the documentary book “The Howard Hughes Hoax: Con Men, Corruption and the Fake Burial of a Billionaire.” Almost 60 years later, Charles has uncovered evidence to support his assertion that Hughes died in 1965, eleven years before his alleged death in 1976 and the illegal con was perpetrated by certain members of the Howard Hughes Industries’ inner circle.

For more information and to schedule interviews with Charles Clotfelter, contact Sophia Falke at 720-283-3117.  

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